Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fractions, Decimals, and Percents!

Today, math classes changed decimals into percents and fractions. We learned that when you convert a decimal to a percent, you multiply by 100. When you change a percent to a decimal, you divide by 100. We are going to use all this knowledge to create a small math project soon!
Science classes today concluded the section on Atoms and Elements. We will start to review our section next week. Mrs. Haddox was very impressed today with our hard work in the computer lab on our flyers. She is looking forward to seeing our presentations. Do not forget that the Element Presentations are May 2!

In Language Arts, we read a touching story, A Brother's Promise. It was hard to get through without tears in our eyes. We also watched a brief film clip about The Statue of Liberty to help us prepare for this historical fiction selection.

Our writings about our favorite places are on display at the top of the steps by our rooms! Enjoy!

Math: (202) R 7-1 and P 7-1; (204) Page 360 14-35
Science: Graded homework- page E 27
Wellness: Do not forget to bring in three Nutritional Labels
Language Arts: Practice book p. 162 (vocabulary review). Read through page 125 for tomorrow's McD's Cafe! Complete your role! Spelling and story quizzes will be next Friday.
Social Studies: Study your study guide. Quiz on Friday.

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