Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Showing Steeler Pride!

We had an exciting day at N.S.I.! We started our day with our whole school Spelling Bee Final in the auditorium. Our team was well represented by Ashley and Nate. The bee was won by Natalie, who spelled each word with confidence. We were proud of all of the participants. It couldn't have been easy to spell in front of approximately 300 people.

Our team then finished our Steeler door! Every classroom at N.S.I. is decorating their doors to support our team.

McD's groups had one last chance to meet and iron out their skits for The Westing Game. We're all looking forward to our big acts tomorrow. Everyone seems to be ready.

During learning center time this afternoon, we attended two of four stations. The stations included coordinate plane exercises, a persuasive devices exercise related to the story The Winter of the Brown Bat, First in Math on computers, and Social Studies review.

Math classes worked extra hard today in the afternoon on fractions and decimal comparision. We changed fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. There are many steps needed to make the comparision.

Language Arts - Read pages 103-140 in The Westing Game and prepare your role.
Social Studies - Study notes and pgs. 40-45 in book (section 2). Test next Wed.
Science - Balloon Powered car due Feb. 7th.
Math - Pg. 178 (10 through 23)

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