Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ice, Ice Baby?

Last night, our weather forecasters were describing a mix of weather that sounded like we were getting everything but the kitchen sink thrown at us! We thought we'd wake up to a town made of crystal, but for the most part, we were lucky. Some who live to the north had some slippery roads, but most of us had rain....thankfully. Who knows what tonight will bring?

Team Enterprise didn't let the gloomy weather get us down! We came ready to work! We started the day getting into our McD's Cafe groups to work on our skits. Each group chose a favorite scene from The Westing Game to act out. We planned and practiced a bit before lunch. Everyone came up with some creative ideas! Skits must be true to the book and students must speak loudly enough for the audience to hear. Mrs. McIlvaine and Mrs. Haddox are looking forward to the performances on Thursday. We hope to share them next Thursday, when we conclude our discussion of The Westing Game.

In Language Arts, we took our quizzes for Saving the Sound. Our spelling quiz was a challenge this week because the list had words with few sound clues. Hopefully, we'll all be proud of how we performed on the quizzes.

In Math, we discovered how to change decimals to fractions and back again. We need to remember to place our decimal correctly and to always state the whole number in our answer. Science classes are excited to race our balloon cars. They are due February 7th.

We all have Steeler Fever! To show our support for the team in the Super Bowl, we are decorating our doors along with others in the building. When finished, we'll post a picture of our doors for you to see! So cool! Go Steelers!

Language Arts - Read pages 103-140 in The Westing Game and complete your role. Practice your role for your skit.
Social Studies - Study your notes and pages 40-45(section 2). Your test will be next Wednesday, due to delay.
Math- Reteaching 3-8 Worksheet
Science- Balloon Cars and packet due February 7th

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