Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ready for the Red Carpet!

Team Enterprise seems to be ready for the red carpet! Today in McD's Cafe, we watched a movie of our own Westing Game performances. Everyone was entertained by the movie, which was shown on our big screen. We are looking for a way to add this movie to the links section of our blog soon.

Following our movie, we watched Get a Clue, which is a movie based on The Westing Game. The movie was entertaining, but it differs in many ways from the book. As we watched, we took notes on plot differences and similarities. Mrs. Mac paused the movie several times to discuss what we noticed. Our class was really on the ball! Nothing got past us! Tomorrow, we will use our notes in working with our group on a small project. In addition, we will complete The Westing Game in our final literature circle discussions.

Because of the delay today, Mrs. Haddox taught Math to all of us. We are learning how to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. Remember to see if the denominators can "talk" to each other. Do they need a translator?? And take your time to look at the operation. Is it adding or subtracting?


Math - Pg. 208 (#7-16) Answers may have mixed numbers! Turn in all work! Also, pg. 45 from the workbook.
Language Arts - Be prepared with your final role for McD's Cafe! I hope you enjoyed The Westing Game!

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