Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Working Hard!!!

Today was a busy day in Miss C's classroom!! Writing classes worked on using sensory details to enhance a piece of writing. We had a lot of creative (for lack of a better word) ideas and responses. I wish you could have heard the energy and excitement!! By using sensory details in a writing, you can really put a solid "picture" of your details and descriptions in the reader's mind.

Social Studies was exciting as well! We reviewed our homework and created another study tool for tomorrow's quiz. I'm curious to see how many of you found the "foldable" vocabulary study guide useful?? Lastly, we finished off with a fun and exciting game of Jeopardy. Miss C was extremely impressed with the students hard work and participation. In both classes the lowest score was only around a 15/17 (WOW!). In fact, we had to come up with a difficult tie breaking in both rooms. Congratulations to our Jeopardy champs!
- Room 202: Kayla and Conrad
- Room 204: Carson and Rylee

We are working hard in Math and Science too! Math classes learned how to solve equations with decimals. We used the Promethean Board and our min-white boards to make it fun! Mrs. H was impressed with how quickly we learned!

Science classes are learning the meaning of collaboration and facilitaion! Mrs. Haddox gave us each a section of our chapter on Heat Energy and we have to create a teaching lesson from it! Mrs. Haddox is extrememly impressed with the Power Point Presentations that we are putting together. It is important for each of us to contribute to the lesson. Mrs. Haddox will grade us on participation and on our lesson.


Language Arts: "Storm-a-Dust" spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension tests tomorrow.

Charlie Bone: Finish reading book and complete role for tomorrow.

Social Studies: Chapter 2, Section 1 quiz tomorrow.

Math: Complete page 29, both sides.

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