Thursday, December 16, 2010


The Science Students are producing a lot of energy! We are doing a great job of producing a teaching demonstration on our sections. Mrs. Haddox is extremely impressed and pleased with our progress!
Math classes reviewed solving equations with decimals. We began to write equations for word problems. Mrs. Haddox stressed that it is important to use complete sentences when writing the answers. We used our knowledge of variables and decimals to complete the questions. We will review Chapter 2 on Monday and have our Test on Tuesday!
We tested our knowledge today in Miss C's class! Students took their Reading tests on "Storm-a-Dust," a Social Studies quiz on section 1 (Ch. 2), and last but not least an AR test on the entire Charlie Bone novel! WOW, did they think a lot! We also had a chance to begin our discussion on the entire Charlie Bone book, which will continue into next week. Miss C was very proud of our hard work.

Science: Continue to work in your collaborative teaching groups.
Math: Page 122 in your text. Numbers 1-4, 11-18. Test on Tuesday.

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