Monday, March 4, 2013

Oh, the Drama!

 In Language Arts today, students took part in a dramatic reading by playing the various characters in Elizabeth Blackwell: Medical Pioneer, a play written by Joanna Halpert Kraus.  The play was rather long, but students enjoyed trying to change their voices to suit the characters.  Elizabeth was the first woman doctor.
 We spent a bit more time in drafting our persuasive essays today.  The five paragraphs are due tomorrow, and students are to follow the format provided in class.  We will peer edit in class, and I will take the essays for a final check before we type our final copies.  Everyone will get a chance to present and try to convince others to believe as they do. 

The Western European countries were identified on a map today in a brief quiz.  The students also colored the Southern countries and worked more on completing their travel journal project, which is due on Thursday.  They have found some interesting information that will be fun to share. 

We have been preparing for our third benchmark test in Reading and Math.  During today's prep, students worked on Geometry/Angles in Math and Poetry interpretation in Reading. 

Math - worksheet
Reading - Read chapters 9 & 10 in The Upstairs Room, complete your crossword, guided reading questions, and role for this Thursday.
Writing - Your persuasive draft is due tomorrow.
Social Studies - Travel Journal due on Thursday.  Group 310, quiz tomorrow.
Wellness - D.A.R.E. work is due tomorrow.
Tech. Ed. - Homework due on Thursday.

Mrs. Friday's Group:
Spelling - Stairstep 2 wkbk pgs. (group 2 only)
Math - X worksheet (both groups 1 & 2)

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