Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Halfway Point is Here!

It is hard to believe, but today marks the end of the second nine weeks and the first semester. So many new activities are on the horizon.   Tuesday will bring a new novel for cafe in Reading called The Upstairs Room by Johanna Reiss.   We will begin to study the continent of Europe in Social Studies!  Groups will be rearranged in the room, and students will begin new related arts classes; Technology and Foreign Language for group 308 and Music and Art for group 310.  Sixth graders will begin the D.A.R.E. program too!  New exploratories will start, including the anticipated "Kids of Steel!"  Since the grading period has ended, report cards will be sent home next Friday, January 24th.

The students have been learning a lot about the Civil Rights Movement and the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr.  Look for their special posting on Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Our Social Studies classes performed a couple historical plays today, including one about the Civil Rights Movement called Crusader for Justice, a story about the contributions of activist Ida B. Wells.  Another play performed on a much different topic was The Hunt for Osama bin Laden.  It was based on the Navy SEALS storming the house where bin Laden was located.  These plays were found in our current events magazine Junior Scholastic.  The students enjoyed taking part in the readings.

During Language Arts, we focused on possessive nouns.  The students reviewed rules for forming singular and plural possessives, and they applied the rules in many exercises.  We will continue our review next week with a few more activities.

GET YOUR TEST PACKETS SIGNED.  CHECK FOR YOUR VIDEO ON M.L.K. Jr. Day.  See you back in school on Tuesday!

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