Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What's Normal?

April's Mud

What is normal?  What's not?  Do you care about being normal?  April, one of the main characters in today's story, felt that her family was not normal.  They lived differently than others in her class, and this bothered her a bit.  Her family lived in a bus which was designed to be rather unique!  When her dad and mom had saved enough to build a home, they chose to build an authentic adobe home, making everything (including the bricks) by hand.  If you have a child in this class, ask she/he to tell you about this exciting family and what April learns in the process of this great project.  If you click on the words, April's Mud (underlined) above, you will be able to practice your key vocabulary words.

The grass dried in time for Phys. Ed. to take place outside!  Everyone was excited to play soccer!  I'm told that Tyler scored a goal today, and Logan seemed particularly proud of his collisions.  The kids returned to the room with sweaty faces, which is always a good sign!

They were certainly able to cool down by team Chorus with the original Mrs. McIlvaine. They proudly told me that they learned a few Christmas songs!  Wow!

The Africa chapter was concluded today.  Students have completed their study guides and will play a review game on Monday.

Math - Math worksheet
Reading - Tomorrow is Cafe Day!  Be prepared!
Science - Finish notes for science research
Writing - Pg. 15  Grammar practice book
Wellness - Lesson 2, vocabulary and summary questions are due Friday

1 comment:

  1. I love Turandot's fingernails. It really adds to her character, The Ice Princess!! Cool article.
    Mrs. Music Mac


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