Monday, April 16, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

It's baseball season! What great timing for our next selection in Language Arts! This week and next, we'll be reading the classic poem Casey at the Bat by Ernest Lawrence Thayer. We'll be searching for meanings and synonyms of vocabulary words defiance, despair, grandeur, haughty, scornful, umpire, melancholy, multitude, outlook, and patrons tomorrow. We wonder who mighty Casey is and how he'll do in the game. In addition, we'll listen, learn, and perform the classic comedy routine 'Who's On First?' It will be a great opportunity to practice our public speaking. Our skill for the week is summarizing text. We will be practicing pulling the main idea and key details to form summaries.

We studied maps depicting landforms and population of East Asia today in an effort to see if landforms affect where people live in China, North and South Korea, and Japan. We found that China, like previously studied Russia, has a large area of land where few people live. Japan, an island country, has a huge population! We are looking forward to learning more.

Reading - Read chapters 3 & 4 in "From the Mixed-up Files..." Complete your role and study vocabulary. Share your Family Times.
Math - Multiplying Integers sheet
Spelling - Trace +2 - new list
Writing - Grammar practice p. 65
Science - Complete lesson outline 6
Wellness - By next Monday, read 316-319, define vocabulary (one word) and complete questions. Also, study for final test in D.A.R.E. Test is Friday.

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