Thursday, December 1, 2011

Walking in Someone Else's Shoes

Today's class meeting topic was empathy. We want to learn to show empathy so that we may develop closer and more true relationships with other people. In class, we talked about the meaning of empathy, ways to show it, and how it plays a role in bullying situations. Our group freely shared times when they showed empathy, as well as times they missed the opportunity. We also shared instances when it seems easier to show empathy as opposed to caring less. Empathy often results in compassion and a desire to help others. From now on, we're trying to think about what it would be like to walk in someone else's shoes.

During our time in McD's Reading Cafe, we shared our roles for chapters 6-10 in Number the Stars. We're very involved in the story of Annemarie and her family and friends. Parts of the story are making us feel tense and uncertain. Many of us identify with the main character Annemarie, as she tries to be brave during these difficult circumstances. Our palms were sweating as we read about the soldier who wanted to open the casket of Annemarie's Great-aunt Birte, who we know does not exist. Annemarie's mother was really thinking quickly when she told the soldier that her aunt died of typhus to prevent him from opening the casket. This particular portion of the story was really frightening for most of us. We're looking forward to the final chapters. We enjoyed great discussions during cafe today, and we thank Emily and Ben, as well as their parents, for the delicious drinks.

Reading - Our quizzes for 'A Trouble-Making Crow' are tomorrow (including assigned spelling list). Please be ready. Also, finish Number the Stars, along with your final role, for next Thursday.
Math - Stained glass worksheet and quiz tomorrow.
Social Studies - Review study guide and pages of Ch.1, Les. 1 (Geography of Latin America) for tomorrow's quiz.

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