Monday, November 7, 2011

One Day Here, One Day Off!

The extra hour helped us to see a brighter morning! It was nice seeing the sun come up earlier, but it will be hard seeing it set so early. We'll all have to make the most of these seemingly shorter days.

To help you ease into this change, you will have tomorrow off! The teachers have an in-service day, so you can enjoy the sunshine all day long. Please remember to return on Wednesday!

Our shorter Language Arts period did allow us to review and put finishing touches on our Reading benchmark tests. Some had needed a little more time, so we all checked our work. The teachers will be reviewing benchmark results tomorrow. These results will tell us what skills need more attention.

In Social Studies, we concluded our presentations. The final projects will be on display in our hallway. They're very interesting journals!

Reading - Please reread The Telephone Call in your reading book. Read it to your cat, dog, goldfish, brother, sister, mom, or dad. OR...quietly to yourself.
Math - finish workbook p. 18 (front and back)
Spelling - Study your list! You may use Spelling City on our links! Test Friday.
Social Studies - Study. Quiz on Wednesday.
Science - Study. Test Friday.

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