Monday, October 24, 2011

Say No to Drugs!

Were we loving standing up for drug awareness today at school? Yes! Everyone stood together for Red Ribbon Week and wore their red to school! Tomorrow's theme is "You won't see me doing drugs!" We are all to wear camo or black to school! Let's stick together again! All students received special Red Ribbon Week pencils and bookmarks today.

This morning we took the first part of our Reading and Language Arts tests for the Terra Nova exams. We all worked hard, and hopefully our results will be good. One day down and two to go! Tomorrow we'll take Math, parts 1 and 2. Get a good night's sleep and eat breakfast! Don't put cereal in your coffee like Mrs. Mac!

We took our final test for The Westing Game this afternoon! Tomorrow, we'll enjoy the movie based on the book! Then, we'll compare the movie and book in a comparison essay.

Math - Angle sheet
Social Studies - Travel Journal due on 11/2

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