Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Never Believe Generalizations!

School is fun and easy! This is a generalization because for some people school is boring and hard. All dogs hate cats. This is a generalization because dogs are being grouped together, and one thing is being said about them. Some generalizations are faulty and some are considered valid. Recognizing generalizations in our reading is the skill for the week. Today we applied the skill to a short story, practicing together. As the week continues, we will look for generalizations in our story 'Hot Dogs and Bamboo Shoots.'

In Social Studies today, we played a huge board game in teams! Mrs. Mac would ask a question and groups silently discussed and wrote an answer on their team's white board, which was immediately flipped to hide the answer. If the answer we flashed to Mrs. Mac was correct, we were able to move our team's game piece on its path to the finish line. Many questions were asked about the geography of Africa. We are sure to do well on Friday's chapter test.

Group 308, Mrs. Mac's group, will attend the Book Fair tomorrow afternoon from 2:00-2:25. Remember to bring your money!

Reading - Share 'Family Times' paper. Also, read pages 111-144 in The Westing Game, and complete your role for Friday.
Math - worksheet
Spelling - Trace +2 (r-controlled vowels)
Writing - Grammar page 16
Social Studies - Study. Chapter 1 Test this Friday
Science - Flashcards due Friday
Wellness - Posters due this week

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