Monday, May 2, 2011

Element Exposition!!

What a colorful array of elements were presented to Team Enterprise today! Mrs. Haddox was quite impressed with our models and our presentations. You can see by the pictures that each model was very creative. By applying our knowledge about elements, we created a model representing the protons, neutrons, and electrons! Each presentation included the elements symbol, atomic weight, and other interesting facts! Tomorrow we will be concluding this lesson on elements.

A Brother's Promise was the topic for discussion in Language Arts today. We reviewed the story and had a discussion about the elements of plot in the story. Many of us really enjoyed the story. Following our discussion, we worked at stations, practicing identifying the elements of plot, writing on computers, demonstrating comprehension of our story Pictures of Hollis Woods, and reviewing our Social Studies lessons.

We demonstrated our knowledge about early people and civilizations of Africa. Most of us felt very confident that we did well on the test.

Language Arts - Complete spelling practice crossword puzzle sheet for review of this week's words. Finish reading Pictures of Hollis Woods and complete your new role for Thursday's class. Continue reading for AR points.
Wellness- Three Nutritional Labels from snacks. We will graph tomorrow!
Science- Review worksheets

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