Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bonding Time!

Science classes are bonding! Ionic and Covalent Bonding, that is! Continuing in science today, we explored how some elements form compounds. Using diagrams, we learned how some electrons can equally share electrons or take them away.

Math classes continued in their creation of their concession stands. We are creating problems based on our items. Today we worked on the bonus question! Tomorrow we will start "building" the stand. Stay tuned for pictures!

Today we built background knowledge and gained a better understanding of our vocabulary for The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This story also fits in with the topics we've been discussing in Social Studies about the Ancient Egyptian Empires. We saw a film clip in class today about great Egyptians. We are amazed at the structures they we able to build by hand. The interesting work of archaeologists was also depicted in the film. Bits of history are pieced together through their findings!

Our D.A.R.E. essays are coming along fine! We spend a portion of our Writing class working on our paragraphs. Some of us have begun typing our drafts.

Science: Covalent and Ionic Worksheet; Periodic Table Lab Sheet (graded)
Language Arts: The Book Jacket assignment for Pictures of Hollis Woods is due on Thursday (5/12/11). Complete spelling practice sheet (both sides) for tomorrow.
Social Studies: Quiz on Thursday for lesson 2. Please study your guides and lesson.

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