Monday, December 20, 2010

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas Week! It is finally here!
Monday and Tuesday we will be having regular classes. Wednesday morning we will have Christmas Learning Centers and a Christmas Movie. Thursday we will have a dodge ball tournament and an early dismissal.

Math classes reviewed and started their Chapter 2 Test. Tomorrow we will check them in class.

Science classes are finishing their teaching demonstrations in their groups so that we can present tomorrow.

In Social Studies we had the "Geography Bee" preliminary rounds. We will finish the remaining rounds tomorrow. Winners will compete against the other homerooms to find NSIS's "Geography Bee Champ!"

Language Arts classes worked on an independent assignment today for "Midnight for Charlie Bone." Students were to accurately draw a picture of their favorite endowed character by using details from the story. Also, students are to write a paragraph that includes a topic sentence, what character they chose and what his/her endowment is, and how it was used in the novel. Also, students must state WHY they liked this endowment the best and HOW they would use this special power if they possessed it. These are due tomorrow!


Language Arts: Charlie Bone assignment due tomorrow!

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