Friday, October 15, 2010


Great McD's Cafe today! 100% of our team passed their test and came prepared! What more could a teacher ask for?

We began McD's sharing our most treasured items; ones that we would include in OUR suitcases if we were in Bud's shoes. Bud's items did not have great monetary value. They each had sentimental value and were extremely important to him. We each stood and shared our item and explained why it was significant to us. Below, you will see a slide show of each of us sharing our items! We will be using these items as a springboard for a writing assignment.

Mrs. Haddox and Mrs. Mac modeled the discussion process at their own cafe table today. Our team eagerly participated in this discussion when given the chance. Team discussions followed the modeling. Everyone seems to enjoy the story very much. It's hard to hold back from reading ahead in the book. This is because Bud has met a new character who seems very interesting and has a great sense of humor. He is kind and wise and is giving Bud a ride - possibly to his desired destination! We're really pulling for Bud to find his dad.

In other news...our drafts are completely typed! Mrs. Mac will enjoy reading them at her leisure this weekend!

Our team really impressed Mrs. Haddox today with their performance on the Math test! Even our dear Aunt Sally would have been happy!

Language Arts - Please continue to read Bud, Not Buddy! This week's assignment is reading pages 108-160 (Chapters 11 through 13). Also, work on your new role.

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