Monday, September 13, 2010

Remembering 9/11

Today, in Social Studies, our team reviewed the events of 9/11/2001. We listened to parts of a book written for children called Understanding September 11th: Answering Questions about the Attacks on America by Mitch Frank. As a group, we discussed the events and thought about what it means to us to be free. We then worked on a Freedom Poem assignment to express our American Patriotism. We will proudly display these poems in our hallway for Open House.

Tony and the Snark was reviewed during Language Arts time. We created storyboards to review the story and the skill of sequencing. We also played a game with our spelling list. Everyone on the team hopes to ace the first tests tomorrow.

In science, we had "Mantle Monday" and learned all about the layers of the Earth through a Flip Chart on the Promethean Board. The students enjoyed many short interactive videos explaining the different layers. Do you know what layer protects us from the inner heat of the Earth?

Round 'em up! In Math, we learned about rounding whole numbers. To remember how to round, we learned that if the "number is five or more, up the score; four or less, let it rest."

Language Arts - Study! Your first tests are tomorrow.
Math - Page 4 (both sides).
Social Studies - Please bring your 5 Themes of Geography pictures to class (204)
Tomorrow is RED, WHITE, and BLUE DAY in honor of National Anthem Day. Please wear your colors proudly!

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