Thursday, September 9, 2010

Missing Mrs. Haddox!

Today, Team Enterprise was missing Mrs. Haddox. We wish her all the best and hope she returns soon. Although she was gone, our team carried on!

In Language Arts, we enjoyed the story "Tony and the Snark." The story was a bit long, but we enjoyed finding out about Tony's adventure with his snark. We even discovered some new and interesting words that weren't a part of our vocabulary list. Tomorrow, we talk more about the story, and we're looking forward to McD's Cafe! Don't forget to bring your plastic mug!

In Social Studies, group 204 learned more about the Five Themes of Geography. We discussed many examples of these themes and concluded work on our study guide. Group 204 is to search for pictures relating to the themes. The pictures can come from magazines (old ones, not your dad's new Sports Illustrated), or the computer, or your own artistic ability! Each student is to bring in 4 pictures for each theme! We will use them for group collages depicting the Five Themes.

We are very inspired by David Wisniewski's book The Secret Knowledge of Grown-ups: The Second File. It is so much fun finding out about all this TOP SECRET grown-up information!! We feel so mature!! Since our brains are filling with IDEAS, we can hardly wait to begin writing!

Exponents continues to be the hot topic in math! We practiced more today, and we're sure that Mrs. Haddox will be impressed tomorrow!

In Science, we began learning about the layers of the Earth! Is a field trip to MIDDLE EARTH in the works?? We'll see, when Mrs. Haddox returns!

Language Arts - Study spelling on the blog! Test next Tuesday.
Math - Page 12 (1-24)
Social Studies - Find or draw 4 pictures per theme for next Tuesday.
Science - Finish science packet
Don't forget Chorus and Phys. Ed. forms!

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