Thursday, January 19, 2012

Paying Attention - Signs of Bullying

How can you tell if someone is being bullied? How can you help? Today's class meeting involved taking a closer look at obvious and subtle signs of bullying. We learned about questions we can use when we suspect bullying and how to be an active listener. Our responsibility extends beyond our group of friends, and there are so many ways to show someone we care. Showing someone kindness can produce a domino effect. Above are pictures of our class skits during our meeting today. We had fun acting, but we also learned how to pay attention to clues.

Our cafe went off without a hitch today! We enjoyed our Hawaiian punch and discussed September, the first section of our novel. It's easy to relate to Holling and all he is experiencing with his teacher. We had many thoughts about the "perfect house" he lives in and the feelings he has about his teacher not liking him. We're looking forward to reading on, and we hope that our thoughts about his teacher turn out to be wrong. Next week, we'll be starting a new fun project relating to the story called "For the Record!"

Reading - Read October in The Wednesday Wars! Complete your new role for next Thursday.
Math - worksheet
Social Studies - Dinner and Dialogue due Jan. 24th. Study your lesson on the people of the Caribbean. Quiz tomorrow.
Science - Quiz tomorrow

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