Friday, June 3, 2011

Awards Day!

Today was a special day for Sixth Grade! Many students won special awards for excellence in various subjects. We also heard writings from selected students, sharing their fond memories about N.S.I.S. Some students received the prestigious Academic Excellence and Academic Achievement Awards, as well as Perfect Attendance. Others received Citizenship, Greatest Strides, Team Player, and Leadership Awards. Related Arts teachers also shared top awards for their areas of study. It was a great day for honoring those who work so hard.

We wish our Sixth Graders all the best at the Middle School and in the years that follow. You are ready for the next chapter in your lives, and we know you'll succeed.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Saying Goodbye to a Special Person

Mr. Bruce, our custodian on the upper floor at N.S.I., is retiring this year. Today, our 6th grade classes and teachers honored him for the years he has spent keeping our floor in top shape. We thanked him for his work with cards, a gift, and cake at the end of the day. The 6th graders also enjoyed popsicles in the sunshine during this special farewell. We all wish Mr. Bruce the best in life! He deserves this hard earned break, but we will miss him.

Team Enterprise also enjoyed their Chinese Auction today! We have earned tickets over the past weeks for being good citizens in the classroom and demonstrating good learning and study habits. Today, we placed our tickets in bags next to items we were interested in winning and the auction began. It was great fun!

Our Awards Assembly will take place tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Middle School Tour!

Today all of 6th grade got the grand tour of the Middle School. Lead by Student Council Members, we saw how the Middle School was divided into teams. We also got to see classrooms, the office, gym, and cafeteria.
Dr. Taranto was there to greet us and start our tour. Mr. Schrag and Mr. Gillespie showed us a video highlighting all the great activities we can participate in at the Middle School. In August, we will be receiving our schedules and take a more formal tour, seeing our specific classrooms and meeting our team teachers. As Dr. Taranto said, "We are already seventh graders!"

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Quotes About Reading

Above are the quotes we worked on in McD's Cafe! I hope that you enjoy reading the students' work! Hopefully, their good reading habits will continue into summer and for the rest of their lives. Remember...The more you read, the more you'll know. The more you know, the smarter you grow. The smarter you grow, the stronger your voice, when speaking your mind or making your choice. -Unknown

Today started off with a bang! We hopped on buses to visit the Middle School for an instrumental band concert! Wow, these students were very impressive! Many of us are truly looking forward to being a part of this special group next year. Students were told that if they didn't sign up for band, but would like to, they may have their parents call the guidance office at the Middle School. Also, there is a summer program offered that some were excited about. Those forms are available in our school and can be obtained from Miss Hickman.

In the afternoon, our class worked on portfolios. We emptied our work and added some pieces from sixth grade. This work will be taken home on Friday after our Awards Program.

Please do not forget to arrive on time tomorrow! We are going to the Middle School for our tour!