Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cecil Intermediate's Geography Bee

Congratulations to Brad for his win in today's Geography Bee! We all enjoyed listening to the questions and trying to come up with the answers. All of the contestants representing each classroom did a fine job.

Today we used the mighty apostrophe to form possessive nouns in sentences. Possessive nouns show that one or more persons, places, or things have or own something. We focused on applying three rules: #1 - Add ('s) to form the possessive of most singular nouns. Ex.: The farmer's barn was in disrepair. #2 - Add ('s) to form the possessive of plural nouns that do not end in s. Ex.: Discovering the mice's nest was a shock to my mom. #3 - Add only an apostrophe (') to form the possessive of plural nouns that end in s. Ex.: My parents' reaction to my good grades made me happy. Many did very well with applying these rules. We are continuing our practice this evening.

Reading - Read the first chapter (September) in The Wednesday Wars. Complete your role.
Math - Study for tomorrow's chapter test.
Writing - Grammar p. 38 (1-10) and 39 (1-15)
Social Studies - Dinner and Dialogue due on the 24th of this month.
Science - Extra credit due on Wednesday.
Related Arts - Pick painting or drawing to be in the art show.

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